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Cowbell is enriching the lives of Zambians with Vitarich

Not only is Cowbell Vitarich delicious to drink, it’s also good for you. Milk naturally has 28 vitamins and minerals essential for good health. It contains calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and protein, all essential for healthy bone growth and development. In later life they can protect us against bone diseases like osteoporosis. Calcium and phosphorous are also beneficial for strong teeth.

Though milk naturally has 28 vitamins and minerals vital for good health, Cowbell has boosted the five most important vitamins, namely A, C, D, E, and K, into a formulation we call Vitarich. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight development. Vitamin D helps build strong bones and teeth. Vitamin C boosts your immune system. Vitamin protects red blood cells. And Vitamin K plays an important role in bone formation.

Mothers can rest assured that by giving their families Cowbell with Vitarich, they are giving them the very best milk in terms of dietary nutrition. In fact, Cowbell has been delivering quality nutrition to Zambians since 1995. And because we all have different needs, Cowbell Vitarich comes in a range of different pack sizes for your convenience and to suit your pocket.

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