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Cowbell milk brings Health Benefits home to you

Cowbell milk is made from the very best cows’ milk in countries where the grass grows lush all-year round. In the process of making Cowbell, fat-filled milk powder, the animal fat is removed and replaced with vegetable fat, which gives it a longer shelf life and makes it cholesterol-free, while maintaining all other health benefits.

And those health benefits are many. Milk contains calcium, which helps develop healthy bones and teeth. It contains protein for energy and it also helps build and repair muscle tissue. It’s got potassium, which helps maintain healthy blood pressure and phosphorus, which helps strengthen bones and generate energy.

In fact milk has twenty-eight essential vitamins and minerals to help us stay healthy. What’s more, Cowbell milk has boosted the five most important vitamins into a unique formulation we call Vitarich. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight development. Vitamin C helps the body fight infections. Vitamin D, along with calcium, is essential for building strong bones and teeth. And vitamins D and K play and important role in health and vitality.

Though milk consumption in sub-Saharan Africa is far below the levels of those in developed countries around the world, the gap is narrowing as household incomes rise and more and more people discover the benefits of milk. Cowbell produces a range of affordable pack sizes that bring milk within reach of the average person on the street. Whether enjoyed in tea or coffee, cereal or as a refreshing drink on its own, Cowbell milk is both delicious and nutritious.

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